Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Orion's Belt

The NASA symbol for the
Apollo mission shows the
constellation Orion ( Osiris ).

The 3 Kings or Magi are
part of the symbolic masonry
of the Most Ancient Craft of
Amen Ra.

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Baba ( baboon )

What is the meaning ?

What is the symbolism?

Are there baboons in Kemet?

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Is President Barak Obama
a mason?  I don't know? Does
he know about his roots and
connection to the ancient African
Craft of Amen Ra ?

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Friday, July 20, 2012

                                                                Lady Liberty
St. Maarten unveiled this statue in 2007 to celebrate the 159th anniversary of emancipation. This beauty stands  at Agreement Roundabout, Great Bay, St. Maarten. The sculptor is Theodor Bonev. America's own Statue of Liberty could have looked like this, if they had let August Bartholdi use his   original model.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

                           This illustration is from Morals and Dogma of the Scottish Rite by Albert
                            Pike. This is for the Master of the Royal Secret, 32nd Degree. For Dicussion
                            on Pike and Morals and Dogma you must click on FACEBOOK ( blue icon ).
                            Scroll down to view older articles and pictures.
                                  Albert Pike, author of Morals and Dogma of the Scottish Rite ,
                                  illustrates the raising of Hiram Abif. Hi RAM is raised from the
                                  dead level to standing perpendicular with the grip of the Lion's
                                  paw. Here the lion holds an ankh in his other hand. This diagram
                                  could possibly be a mirror image as Pike often does this when
                                  information to be publicly viewed. The King of Kemet is wearing
                                  the double crown of Upper and Lower Kemet.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Vicissitudes.  An underwater memorial to the 90,000,000 souls lost during the MAAFA or African Holocaust ( 1500- 1900 ). Located in Grenada.
George Washington being commissioned by the goddess Columbia to CONQUER
OR DIE. This phot was taken at the George Washington  Masonic Memorial by Kamitic
Designs (see ).
This was the flag of Sardinia in Italy
until 1999. It was modified slightly and
still flies proudly. It is called the " Four
Moors Head " flag. This represents the
captured and executed Moors of around
1096 a.d. That matches the First Crusade.