Monday, January 21, 2013

This United State NOTE is not a Federal Reserve Note ( there is no circular FED seal ). It is not
under the Federal Reserve Bank. It is backed by silver. It was in circulation for only a few months.
President John F. Kennedy invoked Executive Order 11110 on June 1963. President Kennedy was murdered in November 1963. The act is still potentially ready for use by a President, but none have
up since  Johnson, Nixon, Carter, Regan, H.W. Bush, Clinton, G.W. Bush, Obama. This Act can be
invoked by a sitting President or sent to Congress.

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Spes Mea In Deo Set....My hope is in God.

Is this bird bipolar or is it a symbol of the principles of
opposites, reciprocity, and balance.

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President Teddy Roosevelt visits Booker T. Washington at Tuskegee Institute. Most Black people
were Republicans during this period and BTW was a prominent Republican in the nation.

Frank Baum is the writer behind the movie " Wizard of Oz
which was remade as the Wiz. Michael Jackson portrays the
STRAW MAN who believes he's lacking a brain.. Why did
I write his name in all CAPS? Why is it important to follow
the yellow brick road.? What is Oz?

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